I Let Go, You Can Too.

325 days

15 hours

19 minutes

12 seconds

That’s how long it’s taken me to actually realize that the world is a twisted place and anyone can switch up on you any friggin time.I’ve been through so much emotionally, made a lot of mistakes, had a lot of regrets, had really good moments.So far I’ve learnt that life gets complicated every time a clocks hand ticks

Lol.Learning to be Independent might be hard as hell, but the honest truth is when you start having your own space and all, somehow you stay away from all the drama and trouble.

I’m not saying stay away from people or don’t talk to people.(Nahhhhh…That’s too stressful, how many people do you want to ignore?Lol). Just don’t attach yourself to anyone.

Attaching your self to people would just create more room for DRAMA.Trust me I learnt this the hard way.But Thank God I’ve seen the light.😂

Being able to “Be in my own space” and “Have my own time” has to be the best thing that has happened to me the whole of this year.I think better now, I plan better, I’m not as indecisive as I used to be, I’m more committed to whatever I do.I now know how to be my own Person.The list goes on and on but I’m just really grateful to God for helping me let go of a lot of Toxic people/relationships and putting me in this peaceful place.

I just felt I had to share this.

Sorry for not being consistent on here.To those that have been asking what’s up with the blog and all, Thank you so much for all the support you’ve given me.I really don’t deserve y’all.

I’ve had issues deciding what to post.You can tell that I’m an emotional ass from all my posts.I find it difficult writing stuff that isn’t deep and I started to feel it was boring and I’d rather not post something I don’t feel.I’m not going to stop writing deep…Still looking for a way to balance it up.

Just be rest assured I’ll be posting soon.

Thank you guys so much.Feel free to share this.


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